TROY Offers Unique Programs

TROY Works Program

Through a generous grant from the Don Wood Foundation, TROY School has been implementing Phase One of its new career readiness program, TROY Works. During Phase One, students are introduced to the wide array of manufacturing careers available throughout northeast Indiana via on-site company tours and a rotation of industry guest speakers. In addition, TROY students are touring and learning more about the new Whitko Career Academy and working alongside Lauren Fuller, TROY School’s career coordinator, to determine whether they meet the criteria to attend the career academy for hands-on vocational training as part of their education at TROY. With numerous lucrative job opportunities available in the manufacturing sector and students who graduate each year ready to enter the workforce, we recognized an opportunity to better prepare students for careers that are in high demand, help them become more knowledgeable about the manufacturing sector, and increase their capacity to be successful in their careers.

Music Program

Students at TROY received a scholarship award from the Aaron M. Stone Memorial Fund that provides instruments and weekly music lessons. A new music room, outfitted with gear for an ideal acoustic environment, has been dedicated to music education. “Young people have a variety of natural talents and interests, and the music room will provide a space to explore their creative abilities and use their individual gifts to excel and grow,” said Nicole Trier, school director. The fund was established to honor the memory of Aaron Stone who died of cancer a year ago at the age of 18. “We saw what a difference music made in his life, and we wanted to create opportunities for teens to learn, practice and perform music,” said LouAnn Stone, board chair of the Memorial Fund. Students in the program receive free lessons from instructors at Sweetwater.


In 2022, TROY School took steps to hire our own mental health services provider to offer onsite, mental health & counseling services to students as part of their enrollment at TROY.  Onsite mental health services are offered to all TROY students at no additional charge to families.  During our first year of offering onsite services, TROY School provided 80% of students with ongoing mental health support.  In 2023, during our second year of offering onsite services, we are providing 90% of our students with ongoing mental health support.  We are thrilled to be able to offer students onsite mental health support as part of our program at TROY.  By offering these services at no additional cost to families, many TROY students have accessed life changing mental health support for the very first time.  Mental health support is available to all TROY School students for as long as they attend our school.   

Teen Parenting Program

TROY offers a program for students who have children that allows them to take care of their child while continuing their high school education. We partner with Before Four and Echo Program to help educate the teenagers on the situations they may face as a parent. The parents can also earn coupons for B.A.B.E. when they finish a credit or goal. This is a way for them to have access to free diapers and clothing.


The Whitley County YMCA and The Center for Whitley County Youth provide space for TROY students to enjoy recreation throughout the week.


We know that the most common and biggest obstacle to education that youth face is transportation. By picking students up and transporting them to school each day, we are often able to raise attendance that averages as low as 25% to 85% at TROY. We feel this is a program that is vital to the success of our students and must continue in the future. However, this program continues to be at risk due to lack of funding and the high cost involved with transporting students.

Boomerang Backpack

Every Friday students who qualify for the Boomerang Backpack program are sent home with a bag of food. This ensures that students and their families are able to have sufficient meals during the weekend.

Lunch Program

We have found that for many of our students, the lunch they receive at TROY is the only nutritious meal that they may have in a day. Thanks to the generosity of Parkview Whitley Hospital, we are able to provide free, healthy, meals each day.